Certified CKPI (Certified Kambo Practitioner International), I serve three complementary medicines from the Amazon basin in Brussels capital and its region, according to the heritage and know-how of the Peruvian Matsés people.

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Consists of the transcutaneous application of the secretion of a tree frog, inducing a deep physical and emotional detoxification.

A powdered mixture of traditional tobacco leaves and other active botanicals, infused into the nasal passages by the action of blowing.

An organically and psychologically active medicinal eye drop produced from the roots of an endemic shrub.


A session in 3 phases

In order to give you all the attention and support you deserve and to respect your privacy, I only give sessions with you alone. The Kambo session takes place at your home, so that you can take full advantage of the necessary integration and rest time after the treatments.

A complete session based on these different medicines lasts 3 to 4 hours. It is conducted in the morning in order to shorten the prior fasting time that we will both have had to respect, and then to let you benefit from a half-day remaining without family or professional obligations, which I strongly recommend.


Because unlike the natives of the Amazon we are a sedentary people, it is essential to prepare your body and your mind before receiving a Kambo treatment. In the middle of nature when the weather and the place are suitable, we will start with some physical exercises chosen to awaken your energies. We will continue with visualization and introspection techniques to anchor you fully in the present moment and in a space that belongs only to you. You will discover on this occasion the strength of Nünü – this unique Rapé of the Matsés – which will calm your mind and refocus you in an extraordinary way.

In the same way that a Curandero (medicine man) takes psychedelics with you in a ceremony in order to be able to guide you in unknown territory, I prepare for your session with mapacho – a personal ally which will allow me to fully connect with you and establish this essential link for the rest of your treatment.

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The Kambo ceremony will take place in your home. After a few site preparation rituals, we will work together on your intention and the benefits sought for this particular session. This phase is of extreme importance to maximize the action of this medicine and will condition the rest of the session.

Once the medicine is applied, its intense effects will only last about twenty minutes during which I will actively support you on different levels (physical, emotional, energetic) depending on the type of purge that will take place and its depth.


There follows a phase of recovery and integration where we will most certainly have to discuss more about both your immediate feedback and the expected effects in the longer term. Although you will probably feel revitalized after this treatment, it will be important for you not to expose yourself in the hours that follow to civilization and its tumult.

If you wish, I will administer Sananga to you, which will facilitate your ability to observe and contemplate through its subtle effects.

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Although one session alone will fully benefit you, 3 standard protocols are recommended with Kambo


It consists of 3 sessions administered over a period of 28 days (one full lunar cycle). This is the one recommended for people exposed to Kambo for the first time. The medicine administered is dosed gradually and the detoxifying effects ever deeper session after session.


Following an inoculation, one session of Kambo per month with a moderate dose is sufficient to maintain strong immunity and emotional stability.


In times of flu-like viruses, a prolonged drug treatment phase, an acute phase of chronic disorders or temporary psychological difficulties, 2 or 3 sessions 1 day apart will give you all the vitality you need at this very moment.

Other protocols may be recommended to you depending on your particular needs. They will be studied and proposed by a group of specialized doctors affiliated with the CKPI with whom I work on a daily basis.


For responsible and sustainable medicine

These medicines using products coming directly from an ecosystem already weakened by man, and representing new financial opportunities for certain sometimes unscrupulous locals, it is essential for me to make sure of the origin of the products that I use, their quality, and the sustainability linked to harvesting methods.

The secretions of Phyllomedusa bicolor come from the first Kambo reserve of 80 hectares near Santa Catalina, whose production is controlled and the impact on the environment regularly analyzed by the IVIC Ecology Center in Caracas. They are harvested from male specimens and with the most complete respect for the animal. Only the first secretions are collected and the latency time between harvests on the same individual is always respected according to tradition. I receive the medicine I use from hand to hand.

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The only Rapé I use (green Nünü) is sent to me directly by Matsés producers with whom I am in contact. It contains no ingredients other than unfermented, non-combustion dried Nicotiana rustica and Theobroma bicolor ash. We therefore find no traces of coumarin and extremely low levels of N-Nitrosamines unlike the “grey” type Rapés produced by other ethnic groups.

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For questions of freshness and filtration control, I regularly produce my Sananga myself from dried roots of Tabernaemontana undulata from the Acre region and harvested directly by the Katukina tribe.

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I undertake to serve these medicines according to a strict ethical code, with the greatest respect for my clients and the bearers of these traditions who have authorized me to transmit them here in Europe.

+32 485 69 55 44

