About me

kambo rapé sananga bruxelles detox rainforest medicine amazon

Initially trained in specific Ayurvedic treatments for body detoxification and cellular regeneration (more specifically Rasayana treatments and Shatkarma yogic practices), I more recently encountered the power of Amazonian medicines to meet a specific need of my own health. Although Ayurveda is a very effective medicine, it remains above all a preventive one requiring patient consideration of the body’s own dynamics and can hardly respond to certain disorders that need to be treated urgently and in ultimate depth.

Kambo is a medicine of another kind, unique, without any other equivalent. Definitely not for the faint of heart, it finds its source in harsh people living in a very demanding ecosystem. Its effectiveness is immediate and of a surprising dimension. It fully responds to my desire to be able to accompany people with often severe problems and who do not find in our European medicines all the tools necessary to heal themselves.

Kambo is gaining in popularity but very often with an approach inspired by practices derived from other ethnic groups located in the Brazilian part of the Amazon – lighter and less effective practices. I am now CKPI certified, the first and only certification inheriting from the purest Matsés tradition of Peru – the most authentic. This training over several years trains the best practitioners of this medicine outside their traditional framework, according to a strict ethical code and no compromise on the quality of the medicine served.


kambo rapé sananga bruxelles detox rainforest medicine amazon


+32 485 69 55 44

