You will find on this page the answers to the most common questions that I am generally asked about Kambo. They cover the most important medical aspects, answers to pragmatic questions relating to the course of the sessions, as well as my position in relation to this medicine and the tradition in which my practice is part.

There is only one established way to safely benefit from this medicine: controlled introduction into the body through the lymphatic system through superficial burns. The amount of medicine introduced is thus fully controlled and the immediate effects by this method perfectly known, despite the variations between people and between sessions for the same person. Protocols such as inoculation have been developed in order to rely on this method of administration and derive the best benefits from it by fully understanding its dynamics.

Everything is a question of dosage as for many active substances. At very high doses, Kambo presents a danger to your body – cardiac and respiratory complications. At the doses administered, it is a cocktail of polypeptides that your body will fully benefit from and that pharmaceutical companies have been seeking to produce and patent for several decades already. The sometimes difficult induced purging is the manifestation of the release of toxins from your body into the circulation and hollow cavities and cannot be pointed to justify Kambo toxicity. Many plants induce purges that are much lighter but still manifest. Kambo is simply a much more active detoxifying agent.

It is best to prepare yourself in the previous weeks with a vegetarian food, if possible avoid foods that are long to digest, excess gluten, dairy products and stimulants such as coffee.

Attention ! It is forbidden to fast the week before the treatment.

Once the session is reserved, you will be given precise instructions as to the food protocol to follow for the last 3 days before your Kambo.

Some medications are not compatible with Kambo. You will be asked to complete a dedicated medical form before the session. It is essential for your health to be transparent about any treatment in progress. If in doubt about compatibility with a particular drug, your file will be reviewed by a group of doctors with whom I work regularly.

Apart from Rapé and Sananga, you will be asked not to be under the influence of another psychoactive medicine before the session, the ideal being 3 days of withdrawal before. If you wish to combine Kambo and Ayahuasca or other psychedelics, it is essential to separate these two medicines within several days.

Apart from classic food supplements (vitamins, trace elements, etc.), it is not recommended to combine Kambo with stimulant-type supplements, sleeping pills or slimming aids.

Because it is introduced directly into the lymphatic system, Kambo acts very quickly. A few moments after its application you will feel heat and strong pressure in the head due to the increase in blood pressure. Your heartbeat will speed up greatly, pulsing throughout your body. The blood pressure will then drop very quickly, causing harmless fainting in some people (even used to Kambo, I pass out almost every time). The Kambo will then do its work of physiological and emotional detoxification. Acting where it is necessary to act, you will have to accompany this work and I will guide you in this step by various methods. Several phases of purges will then follow one another in the following 15 minutes, in the form of vomiting, localized contractions and/or emotions to be released. The nature of this purging cannot be known in advance but will be a good indication of the type of purification the Kambo is performing for you today. Once the purges have passed, the immediate action of Kambo can be considered complete. However, you may still have some symptoms within 10 minutes – the most common being severe shaking or tingling in the face or limbs. Depending on the dosage received and the course of the session, it is likely that your mucous membranes will be swollen for only a few hours – this is called ‘frog-face’. These swellings are harmless and should not be confused with any allergy whatsoever. No allergy to the constituents of Kambo has been reported.

Every Kambo session is different. You may come out immediately very energized, but also feel a need for isolation if you have been strongly emotionally challenged. I always recommend doing Kambo in the morning and preserving yourself for the rest of the day from all interactions in order to fully integrate the benefits of this medicine.

Kambo is safe when applied to a person in good general health. For people with specific pathologies, the protocol will be studied on a case-by-case basis with the help of specialized partner physicians. A little further on, you will find a ‘contraindications’ section listing the particular conditions for which Kambo is not recommended. In these cases, it is preferable to postpone the sessions later after a new assessment together. The only cases reported where complications – sometimes serious – have occurred, it has been proven that they were not related to Kambo itself, but to errors in protocols and carried out by people not qualified to serve this medicine.

You will find below a non-exhaustive list of contraindications for Kambo. They will be checked with you using an initial form before any processing:

  • pregnant or lactating women under 6 months
  • in case of pregnancy or wish to become pregnant
  • people who have had an organ transplant
  • during recovery from major surgery
  • when taking immunosuppressants
  • severe immune system disorders
  • chemotherapy (4 to 6 weeks before or after)
  • antibiotic therapy (4 to6 weeks before or after)
  • severe cardiovascular disease and/or medication for low blood pressure
  • history of cerebral haemorrhage, stroke, blood clots or aneurysm.
  • low blood pressure
  • multiple sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • in case of Addison’s disease (adrenal insufficiency)
  • in the case of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) disease
  • kidney stones
  • epilepsy
  • in the event of serious psychological or personality disorders, with the exception of depressive and anxiety disorders.
  • Discuss in advance for any alcoholism or drug addiction.
  • not all supplements are compatible with the use of Kambo (see corresponding section)
  • People with asthma should provide an inhaler
  • Diabetics should provide insulin, test strips and supplemental nutrition
  • Mention any allergy to latex (contained in the natural product helping healing)
  • within 28 days after administration of DMT or psilocybin.
  • to people under 18

For your health and the smooth running of the session, you are required to inform me of any health problem listed above.

The feeling after a Kambo treatment is completely different from one individual to another, and for the same individual between sessions. Most will feel an unusual lightness of body and mind. Some may, however, have a disturbed physical and emotional phase the following days before feeling much better. This phenomenon is well known in naturopathy during a deep cure and corresponds to a period when everything that has been challenged must find a new place which is its own. In any case, it is recommended to give yourself time after a session and not to plan intense physical or intellectual tasks – at least for the rest of the day.

The immediate effects of Kambo can give neophytes the feeling of a psychologically difficult and endless session, of intoxication, even of dissociation. However, Kambo is not psychoactive and these effects cease immediately with the end of the session.

No. The polypeptides contained in this medicine have no known psychoactive effects and therefore will not alter your state of consciousness. Any reported hallucinatory effect cannot therefore be attributed to Kambo.

Kambo is a medicine that must be taken in an active dose in order to be able to act in depth on you. Only one dosage is right for you per session and I am trained to determine this precisely.

If your sessions are close enough together, your tolerance will increase to a certain level. This tolerance will be put to good use as it will allow us to have an increasingly effective series of sessions.

Absolutely. Kambo is now one of the only medicines that can stabilize the immunity of people suffering from this disease in a lasting way.

The medicine I use for my clients is collected in a traditional way by the Matsés themselves, with the greatest respect for this animal. Since Phyllomedusa bicolor is not an endangered species, the only persistent threat remains the destruction of its habitat by humans – which is why I only buy from a controlled nature reserve.

Kambo is traditionally applied to the ankles or shoulders (and sometimes the chest in exceptional cases). I only work with these areas of the body, knowing well the dynamics of each of them. Kambo is in no way related to acupuncture points and no reason has ever been shown to deviate from tradition in this aspect. However, I remain open to the aesthetic aspects of the patterns if this point is important to you.

No. This is not traditionnal Mastés Kambo. Matsés apply Kambo with the help of a quite large piece of vine, exposing a large surface of your lymphatic circulation. You’ll receive between 1 and 6 points per session depending on your experience with this medicine and the ongoing protocol. This technique contributes to make the Mastés’ method the most powerfull and effective one.

Yes. Although scars fade over time, a burn still leaves a mark on the skin. However, at the end of the session, I apply the resin of an Amazonian tree which will greatly promote its healing. According to tradition, I do not reuse a stitch opened in the past, no matter how old it is.

Loose clothes, exposing your ankles and shoulders are the most suitable. I also recommend an extra warm jacket, cushions and some blankets for your comfort.


+32 485 69 55 44

