KAMBO (Acate)


kambo rapé sananga bruxelles detox rainforest medicine amazon

Kambo is a detoxifying, adaptogenic and idiosyncratic medicine that uses the skin secretion of the giant tree frog Phyllomedusa bicolor – a delicate bright green creature native to the Amazon basin, also named acate or dow-kiét by the Matsés tribe. It is found in the Amazon rainforests of South America in northern regions of Brazil, eastern Peru, southeastern Colombia, and parts of Venezuela, Bolivia, and the Guianas.

Kambo has been used since time immemorial by some indigenous tribes in the Amazon (Matsés, Katukina, Yaminawá, Kaxinawa, Yawanawa, Nukini and a few others). It is commonly used to get rid of Panema, an original Arawak term for “dark energy” or “bad luck”, depression, laziness, irritation, and other undesirable states that accumulate over time. As a hunting people, the Matsés use Kambo to increase their endurance and speed, improve mental concentration and sensory acuity, reduce water and food needs. By eliminating their body odor, the Kambo makes them invisible to wild animals. Amazonian tribes also use Kambo as medicine to cure malaria, snakebites, infections and fever, fertility problems, to cleanse, detoxify, strengthen the mind and body, increase energy, reduce pain and restore the flow of vital energy. Kambo is also used before Ayahuasca ceremonies, which makes them more effective.

kambo rapé sananga bruxelles detox rainforest medicine amazon

What can Kambo do for me?

Biochemists John Daily and Vittorio Erspamer were the first to analyse the secretion’s peptide content in the 1980s and immediately saw the amazing medical potential ranging from antibiotics, analgesics to cancer treatment.

Outside of its traditional context, Kambo is nothing less than the strongest natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anaesthetic substance found in the world and one of the strongest ways to strengthen the immune system organically. Some of its polypeptides are thousands times stronger than morphine in its pain-killing properties. It simply removes “anything that does not serve us” which applies to one’s physical body, mental state, emotional difficulties and spiritual clarity. In essence, Kambo brings us back into perfect physical balance, reorganizing our personal psychology. Most people are not aware of how regular medication and antidepressants are screwing up our natural healing mechanisms. One does not take Kambo for fun – it is definitely a warrior medicine -, but to purge, cleanse, and deeply heal themselves.

Kambo pushes the RESET button of your whole being.

From what we know of this substance today, Kambo contains approximately 139 peptides known to be crucial for the health, functioning, growth and regeneration of our system – respiration, circulation, digestion, nerve functions, cognitive functions. Its action covers a wide spectrum of potential medical uses such as the treatment of cancers, addictions, diseases from Alzheimer’s to Parkinson’s, candidiasis, fibromyalgia, various forms of depression, post-traumatic syndromes, anxiety, chronic fatigue, alleviation of acute pain, migraines, circulatory problems and vascular insufficiency, connective problems, fertility problems, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, Lyme disease, autoimmune diseases.

Kambo has consistent proven records for the following:

  • cleanses the body from heavy metals and drug treatment wastes
  • releases from depression and anxiety
  • releases from strong addictions (cigarette, heavy drugs…)
  • clears deep-rooted emotional blockages
  • restores and boosts the immune system
  • inhibits the growth of some cancer tumors
  • alleviates autoimmune disorders symptoms
  • restores some fertility problems
  • resets and regulates menstruations
  • regulates hormones during menopause
  • reduces vascular insufficiency and circulation problems
  • reduces migraines pain
  • improves digestive fire
  • increases energy and stamina
  • treats chronic fatigue syndrome


+32 485 69 55 44

